Ingomar Elementary School HPE teacher Dean Boronyak introduces biking to elementary student Amy O. Through grants & additional funding, our HPE Department was able to allow our elementary students to learn how to ride a bike or master their skills during class.
The Mission of the North Allegheny Health and Physical Education (HPE) Department is to empower the community to apply the skills and knowledge that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Fitness
Health and Physical Literacy
Social and Emotional Health
The North Allegheny Health and Physical Education Department’s (HPE) philosophy is to empower students on their unique journey to wellness. Recognizing individuality, our diverse curriculum aims to guide students to find personal meaning and connection to movement. We prioritize physical activity for well-being, socialization, mental health, and stress management. We guide students to identify intrinsic motivation, individual pace, and intensity. We offer a variety of activities cultivating connections with ourselves and others. Ultimately, we strive to promote a commitment to lifelong learning and overall well-being.