The CMS 8th grade French 1 class celebrated Mardi Gras by making masks. Students learned how different regions & cultures throughout France have unique varieties of masks & characters.
We at North Allegheny believe that a World Language Program should foster and support the students' recognition of the world as a global society comprised of diverse languages and cultures. North Allegheny also responds to the very practical need of its students to be prepared for higher learning at the college/university level and beyond. Therefore, a successful World Language Program will enable students to develop self-awareness and insight into cultural differences while acquiring the necessary skills to communicate in a language other than their own.
The following are important components of an effective and successful program.
Communication: comprehending what is read and heard and being understood when one speaks and writes.
Culture: appreciating the culture of the people who speak the language today and of those who spoke the language in the past.
Connections: acquiring and reinforcing knowledge of other disciplines through study of the target language.
Comparisons: relating the study of the target language to the student's own language and culture.
Communities: cultivating responsible and productive citizens of the world.
Critical Thinking: developing the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.