Welcome to North Allegheny School District, where our mission is to prepare all students for success in a changing world.
If your child is already active and attending North Allegheny, there is no need to register for next year. All new and returning students must be registered using one of the options below.

Please keep in mind that our Kindergarten is half day. There is an AM session (9:00 AM–11:45 AM) and a PM session (12:45 PM–3:30 PM).
You can use Chrome to translate a page into other languages.
- On your computer, open Chrome
- Go to a page you want to translate
- On the right of the address bar, select Translate
- You can right-click anywhere on the page and select Translate to [Language]
- Select your preferred language
- If Translate doesn't work, refresh the page
You can also translate a page by:
- Go to translate.google.com
- At the top, select Websites and enter the website you wish to translate